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Recent Publications

The Fruits of Our Labor

Rosca AM, Mitroi DN, Cismasiu V, Badea R, Necula-Petrareanu G, Preda MB, Niculite C, Tutuianu R, Szedlacsek SE, Burlacu A. J.Cell.Mol.Med., 2018, 22(10), 4700-4708

Mentel M, Ionescu AE, Puscalau-Girtu I, Helm MS, Badea RA, Rizzoli SO, Szedlacsek SE. Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 13;8(1):2910.

Collagen regulates the ability of endothelial progenitor cells to protect hypoxic myocardium through a mechanism involving miR-377/VE-PTP axis

Rosca AM, Mitroi DN, Cismasiu V, Badea R, Necula-Petrareanu G, Preda MB, Niculite C, Tutuianu R, Szedlacsek SE, Burlacu A. J.Cell.Mol.Med., 2018, 22(10), 4700-4708

©2018 by Department of Enzymology

Institute of Biochemistry, Splaiul Independentei 296, Bucharest, Romania

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